Some insurance companies make a habit of denying just about every single claim. Yet the legal system allows for introduction of a challenge to the company’s denial. Those claimants that plan to use that same system should expect to take these actions.

Prepare for the appeal

Get a copy of the denial letter; study that same copy. Note any mention of a deadline, especially a deadline for filing an appeal. Mark the deadline on your calendar. Personal Injury Lawyer in Mississauga will ask you to get a copy of the insurance policy.

—Ask the Human Resources Department at your place of business to help you.
—If necessary, write to the Insurance Company.

Consult with a lawyer that specializes in cases such as yours.

Collect evidence

Be sure that the insurance company has all of the relevant records. If you work with an attorney, you should have access to someone that can help you to judge the relevance of each document.

Focus next on the questions that have come from the carrier. Answer each of those questions. That should help an evaluation of how completely you have performed the previous task—that of finding all of the relevant documents.

Get in touch with the company’s claims representative. Find out if the results from any specific test could work to strengthen your claim.

Seek specific and written statements

—A neighbor or co-worker might be able to testify about the limitations on your movements, those that were introduced by the effects of the accident.
—Testimony from a treating physician should prove helpful.
—Testimony from a vocational expert should be able to confirm any implied link between the victim’s limitations and challenges encountered in the workplace.

What to do as the date for the appeal hearing approaches?

In the company of a lawyer, review the answers to the provided questions.

Review the results of any test that was suggested by the claims representative.

Study the written statements that you have received. Check to see if any of them contradict a finding that has been presented earlier.

Practice answering the questions that were posed by a lawyer: Your own attorney should be able to pose the sort of queries that might come from the other party’s lawyer. Pay attention to your attorney’s suggestions, after you have produced answers to selected questions.

Get details on parking arrangements at the site of the appeal hearing. Get in touch with your Insurance Company, in order to confirm the time for that same hearing. Find out if there would be any restrictions on who might be present at the hearing. You do not want to ask an expert or professional to offer testimony, if the rules for the hearing forbid the appearance of any such individual.