A motorcycle is much smaller than an automobile. For that reason, any motorcyclist makes a risky move, each time that he or she travels down the road or highway on a vehicle with 2 or 3 wheels. Still, Injury Lawyer in Burlington knows that there are ways by which lovers of motorcycle-riding can limit the chances for an accident.

Strategies that limit the number of cycle-car collisions:

An experienced motorcyclist has learned to pay attention to a car’s wheels. In that way, the rider can better predict the driver’s intentions. Riders that learn to watch those wheels can better avoid an accident at a corner, where an automobile might be turning into the motorcyclist’s lane.

Smart lovers of motorcycle-riding appreciate the wisdom behind traveling at a safe speed. A rider that goes too fast cannot avoid gravel or debris. If someone on a motorcycle sees that cars are approaching from the rear, he or she should move rapidly to the side of any car that might be in front of that same 2 or 3-wheeled vehicle. This maneuver guarantees avoidance of the worst sort of car-cycle collision.

Keep your eyes open; watch for possible threats. A gap in traffic could be a sign that the traffic hides a threat. There might be someone driving through that specific gap. As mentioned above, the direction of a car’s tires indicates where the driver appears to be headed.

Study the road surface. The nature of that surface can offer a clue, as to the amount of force that must be placed on the motorcycle’s brakes.

Try to stay out of blind spots. If you do not know how to identify blind spot, heed the word of advice that gets printed on many trucks. If you cannot see the vehicle’s rear view mirror, then the driver cannot see you. If the driver cannot see you, then you are in a blind spot.

If the traffic has slowed down, and one lane appears faster than the others, do not steer into that same lane. Many other cars will be going into that specific lane. You want to remain free of moving automobiles. In other words, you invite trouble by heading into a space where there are bound to be moving vehicles. Never ride between an active traffic lane and a row of parked cars. Do not risk the chance that a door might open or a pedestrian might step out.

Limit the extent of any injury from an accident

Always wear a helmet with goggles.

Wear leather pants and a leather jacket.

Wear boots and gloves.

Make sure that your motorcycle’s brakes are in good working order. If you will be riding at night, make certain that your lights are working properly.