Why Negligence Can Play A Pivotal Role In A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Charges of negligence often arise in personal injury cases when the at-fault party (or defendant) caused the accident in which the injury victim (or plaintiff) suffered mental and/or physical harm. In cases such as these, the judgment or outcome typically hinges on the plaintiff’s and personal injury lawyer’s ability to prove that the defendant was negligent and caused the accident as well as the injuries that the plaintiff suffered.

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The Role That Insurance Plays In A Personal Injury Claim Settlement

Whenever someone files a personal injury claim, it’s a safe bet that insurance coverage will play a significant role in the outcome or settlement of the case. For instance, when two or more drivers are involved in a motor vehicle accident, they usually exchange their insurer’s names with one another at the scene. Indeed, the outcome of other types of personal injury claims and lawsuits typically depend on the absence or presence of insurance coverage as well.

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What Is Contributory Negligence And How Can It Affect Your Claim?

In Ontario, negligence is apportioned by means of percentage of fault. So, say that you are injured in a motor vehicle accident but it comes to light that you weren’t wearing a seatbelt. In that case, you may be apportioned with a percentage of fault when it comes to your injuries. Although the seatbelt was not a cause in the accident, the lack of wearing one contributed to your injuries.

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Could AI-Powered Cameras Help Keep Distracted Drivers Off Our Roadways?

At the recent 2019 International Conference on Urban Traffic Safety, one participant offered a solution to our current distracted driving problems: cameras. Not just any cameras, mind you, but AI-powered cameras. This participant brought their technology here to the conference hoping to get their new technology implemented all across North America in order to cut down on our ever-increasing problem of driving while distracted by technology. It would be technology fighting technology, so to speak.

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Concerns About Increased Number of Truck Accidents In Ontario

Within the past year, the authorities that study traffic problems in Ontario noted an increase in the number of collisions involving transport trucks. For that reason, the legislators in that Province have passed laws that were meant to reduce the reported numbers for such truck-related accidents. Before passing those laws, the legislators analyzed the data that shed light on the causes for a majority of such accidents.

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Advice On The Preservation of Evidence

In the absence of evidence, the victim of an accident should think twice before submitting a personal injury claim and then hiring a lawyer. Without the availability of evidence, the victim’s case appears quite weak. In other words, any hired attorney would find it difficult to present unquestionable proof of the defendant’s negligence.

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Is There A Connection Between Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) And Accident Benefits?

Oftentimes, accident victims end up with serious and catastrophic injuries that require long term medical aid and treatment. Some of these victims might be disabled for life. They require monetary assistance which is often provided by auto insurance policy and sometimes, they become eligible to receive accident benefits as per the Ontario Disability Support Program.

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