If you grew up in a culture where people made deals all the time, then you will know how to counter and react to a proposed offer. Still, your ability to bargain about the price of a given item might not help you with win a good settlement, after you have negotiated with an adjuster.

An ability to reach a bargain when dealing with a shop owner might not allow you to feel confident about negotiating with the adjuster from an insurance company. The person that fills that particular role sometimes resorts to bluffing or stalling tactics, if the insurance company does not want to face the demands from a given victim. The person that cannot face those same demands lacks the ability to obtain a satisfactory settlement.

Challenging tactics that might be used by adjuster from insurance company

Make first offer very low, and stick to that same offer. Refuse to consider any offers that are just slightly more than that first one. Working to delay a settlement, even after all necessary documents have been submitted and all arguments have been made.

How someone can negotiate with that challenging adjuster and push for agreement on a settlement figure

Exercise persistence; make repeated contact with the challenging adjuster. Consult with an Injury Lawyer in Brampton, in order to make each of your communications as forceful as possible. If there is no mediation phase, or if a scheduled arbitration phase has passed, threaten to move forward on a lawsuit. Adjusters know that when an insurance company gets sued by an accident victim, the insurer often hands the problem case to a new adjuster.

Take advantage of the opportunity to have a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer. Make note of the words and phrases used by the consulted attorney. Try using some of those same words and phrases, when negotiating with the insurer’s representative.

Reach out to the adjuster’s supervisor. An adjuster does not have the authority to declare that any one case should be viewed as “special,” but the person supervising that same adjuster does possess such authority. It could be that your case has elements that have not been present in earlier cases. If that is true, then someone that can act in a supervisory role may insist on adoption of a new and different strategy during the negotiating process.

Become familiar with the terms “good faith” and “bad faith.” An insurance company is expected to demonstrate good faith towards the victim of an injurious incident. If that show of good faith has been replaced by a demonstration of bad faith, then the wrongly-treated victim can sue the insurance company with the stalling or bluffing adjuster.