The answer to that question is simple, “no.” If a child or adult continues to lack cognition, long past the time when he or she should have a more developed brain, the limitation period for suing the person responsible for the defect never ends. Still, the passing of time does make it harder to prove negligence.

Parents that want to address the cause of a child’s birth injury need to consult with a long line of medical experts. A list of such experts should include the names of a neuroradiologist, an obstetrician, a neurologist and a neonatologist. Naturally, a report from the family’s pediatrician would also prove helpful. Though it can take a long time as the injury is old but hiring a lawyer can help you get the processes started.

Basically, parents that hope to take legal action need to become familiar with the various options available to a specific physician at the time of the child’s birth. Did medical science then have a good understanding of what actions could harm a developing baby? Is there a way to gain some insight into the reasons for posing that particular question?

What is the Apgar score, and why is it important?

Apgar score gets used to determine the health of an infant at the time of its entrance into this world. Does it respond as expected to a tap on the rear? Does it exhibit a healthy rate of respiration? Does its appearance copy that of a healthy baby? A baby in perfect health has a score of 10.

The infant’s Apgar score ought to be determined as soon as the team that delivered that same infant has cleaned it up. Parents have a right to ask about the score. Obstetricians and neonatologists have awaited word about a given patient’s Apgar score for more than 50 years.

Of course the information represents just one of the pieces that a lawyer must put together. Facts shared by various experts help to provide the same lawyer with additional pieces. All are part of a puzzle. Once the pieces have been assembled correctly, the parents’ Injury Lawyer in Brampton has a better chance for showing the extent to which any medical professional might have been careless and neglectful.

If someone becomes careless and neglectful while offering medical care to a woman in labor, that same woman might give birth to a child with a birth defect? In other words, that same professional could be charged with negligence, and thus made responsible for one tiny person’s personal injury.