When it comes to assessing the overall value of your claim, you should be aware that there are a whole lot of different factors that are going to have an impact. Of course, every single case is particularly individual and it’s impossible to use a one-off calculation method. However, there are also some common factors which are likely to increase or decrease the amount of the overall compensation that you can expect to get. Below we are going to list those who are going to increase and decrease the value of your injuries so that you can have an approximation or at least a basic understanding of what to expect.

Factors which are going to increase the value of your injuries

These are all things which make the entire encounter a lot more damaging and sever. With this in mind, some of the most common factors that you can easily expect to increase the overall value of your injuries include:

·         Permanent injuries – those which are going to lead to loss of mobility, weakness, stiffness, permanent scars and others of the kind.

·         Disruptions of your daily life – you missed a special event or you have to miss work for a long period of time, for example.

·         Long recovery period – if you have to recover from the injuries for more than a few months.

·         Particularly hard injuries – these include broken bones, joint injuries, severe wounds, nerve damage, head injuries and others of the kind.

·         Medical expenses as well as specialized medical treatment.

Factors which are going to lower the value of your injuries

Of course, there are certain circumstances which are going to lower the overall estimate of your injuries in terms of monetary compensation. These are usually factors which attest less pain or short-term injuries. Let’s take a look at some of them:

·         Medical treatment provided by Non-M.D. experts

·         There is no prescribed medication in connection with your damages

·         Soft tissue injuries – strain, bruise or sprain, for example

·         No substantial physical or emotional consequences apart from the original injury

·         A significantly shorter period for recovery

As you can see, there are quite a few different things that you will have to take into account when it comes to your injuries. If you want to be able to put a proper monetary estimate of the amount that you should expect to recover, approaching a personal injury lawyer is particularly important. This is something that’s going to ensure that everything is handled properly and as per the legal standards and regulations in place. Keep in mind that Ontario has quite a lot of different regulations and dealing with them on your own is without a doubt challenging, to say the least. This is one of the reasons that you need to consult with a lawyer before you go ahead and put the claim for the injuries sustained.