The typical Injury Lawyer in Mississauga charges each client a contingency fee. That means that the lawyer’s payment comes from a given percentage of whatever money might be awarded to the client.

Most personal injury lawyers request 33.3% of the award achieved through settlement of a given client’s case.

Clients have the right to negotiate with an attorney, and seek an agreement that allows for a lowering of the percentage that goes to the same attorney. Clients that want to initiate such negotiations should have already completed some level of investigation, or a certain amount of the necessary paperwork. Moreover, the lawyer that has taken part in the negotiations should have a fair degree of confidence that he or she will not need to redo the work that was done by the client.

A client could have the lawyer’s percentage dependent on the extent of the negotiations.

• If the case gets settled before the filing of a lawsuit, the attorney gets 25%.
• If the case gets settled after that filing, but before a trial takes place, then the attorney gets 33.3%.
• If the case gets decided in a court, then the attorney deserves 40% of the court ordered judgment.

Some clients hire a lawyer after the insurance company has presented them with an exceedingly low offer.

In this case the lawyer’s percentage would probably be dependent on the extent to which the outcome improves on the amount of money that was offered earlier, before the client went after the attorney’s help.

It could be that the client had a weak case, and that an attorney’s assistance had failed to provide the claimant with a larger compensation package. If that had been the situation, then the professional giving the legal advice would have no reason to expect more than 25% of the awarded package.

On the other hand, it could be that the legal training had given the hired lawyer the ability to win a compensation that was quite a bit larger than that one that had been proposed initially. In that case the client ought to agree to give a larger percentage of the generous award to the legal mind that had worked with the same client.

How much greater should that alternative percentage be? Should it equal that of those lawyers that have filed a lawsuit, and have used that same lawsuit as a tool for seeking a higher compensation? The short answer would be “yes.”

Hence, a lawyer’s percentage should be 33.3% anytime that the there has been negotiations between the insurance company and the hired legal mind, and those negotiations have managed to secure for the client an acceptable compensation. That would be above a low-ball offer.