Public transit accidents are also quite common and they are one of the most regular causes for orthopedic injuries. These are the accidents which are going to involve the vehicles of the line of public transportation of the province of Ontario. They are usually going to have resulted from improper driving behavior of the driver of the public vehicle but they can also be caused by the incompetence of other drivers involved in the traffic. However, they are going to become of interest to the law when there is a citizen involved and he has had to sustain any injuries. He is liable to pressing civil charges and seeking monetary compensation for the damages that he has had to incur but the question is who is going to be liable for them. This is an incredibly important topic to discuss as there are a lot of potential damages that might be claimed in the event of a public transit accident.

If The Driver Is At Fault

If the driver of the public vehicle is at fault and he has caused the injury with his own improper driving behavior and inability to follow the traffic regulations he would be the one that the victim can file his claim against. However, for the protection of the victim, the law has foreseen one more opportunity – the right to seek legal compensation from the municipality itself. This is a situation under which the driver is insured against situations of the kind and his insurance policy is issued by the municipality. If that’s the case, the latter would have to pay the injured party under the terms of the particular insurance policy.

If Driver Is Not At-Fault

However, if the driver wasn’t at fault and the accident was caused by another driver involved in the traffic, the injured party would have to file his claims towards the one who has actually caused the accident in the first place. This is a fair solution as no one should be liable for the wrongful actions of someone else unless he is legally responsible for this someone.

It is important to get these things sorted out on time as the injuries that could result from public transit accidents can be quite serious. Furthermore, you need to understand that this is something that’s capable of causing potential short or long term disabilities and is without a doubt not a threat to be taken lightly. Make sure that you have these things all figured out and seek the aid and support of a professional lawyer in order to make sure that all of the procedures are followed properly and as per the current legislation so that you can get the compensation that you are entitled to if you are the victim of a similar accident. There are plenty of lawyers that deal with similar cases and understand the nuances of the compensatory claim that you need filed.