FAQ’s Regarding Personal Injuries Attributed To Auto Accidents

If I am in an auto accident with an uninsured motorist and they are at fault, what happens then?

Drivers are required to carry some form of auto insurance in every state of Canada.  In most states, you must carry minimum liability coverage for bodily injuries and property damage.  In the case of the uninsured motorist, your auto insurance company will compensate you provided your policy includes uninsured motorist coverage.

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Why Are Medical Malpractice Claims On The Rise?

One of the first things that you need to take into account after you have been injured in an accident of any kind is to get medical attention. The priority should always be placed on getting better and preventing any further consequential damage. This is especially true if you have been involved in a serious accident and the damages that you have incurred are substantial.

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Can An Injury Lawyer Help In Proving Negligence Under Tort Law?

Personal injury law is one of the most complex fields of the law. It contains a tremendous amount of different regulations and all of them have to be accounted for. With this in mind, in the majority of the injury cases the important issue concerning the fault is going to hinge on the legal concept which is commonly referred to as “negligence. There are four key elements which need to be taken into account when it comes to it and they include: duty of care, breach of duty as well as causation and ultimately – damages.

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Factors That Affect The Overall Value of Your Claim

When it comes to assessing the overall value of your claim, you should be aware that there are a whole lot of different factors that are going to have an impact. Of course, every single case is particularly individual and it’s impossible to use a one-off calculation method. However, there are also some common factors which are likely to increase or decrease the amount of the overall compensation that you can expect to get. Below we are going to list those who are going to increase and decrease the value of your injuries so that you can have an approximation or at least a basic understanding of what to expect.

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How Does The Insurance Company Pay Your Compensation?

Being involved in an accident and sustaining injuries, as a result of it is without a doubt something particularly challenging. However, you can most definitely soften the impact monetarily, by filing a compensation claim towards your insurance company. There are, nevertheless, things that you need to account for in terms of the reception of this payment. The company has the right to choose to pay you with a one-off transaction and provide you with a lump sum amount. This is a payment which could also include the amount for the things which are to happen in future, such as future expenses, pain and suffering and others of the kind.

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Who Is Eligible For Accident Benefits In Ontario?

There are quite a few things that you ought to know if you’ve been involved in an accident in Ontario. Generally speaking, if you have suffered an injury in an accident, you are likely to be eligible for accident benefits in Ontario. There are a few different pieces of legislation which govern this matter and the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule which is also known as the SABS is the regulation which matters the most. There are quite a lot of different yet standardized benefits which a lot of insurance companies in Ontario would provide.

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Why Is It Beneficial To Settle A Claim Instead of Having A Trial?

If you take a closer look at the compensations which have been paid out in the province of Ontario deriving from personal injury claims, you will quickly see that over 90% of them have been thoroughly settled without ever reaching the court. The reason is quite simple – people prefer to settle. However, why is it like this? Is it so much beneficial? The truth is, for the most part, that it is. Of course, taking the matter to court reveals certain strong benefits in particular situations, but that’s that. In the majority of cases, settling a case is much more preferable and we are going to show you why.

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Did You Know About Legislative Changes To Accident Benefits?

Now, personal injury law is particularly extensive and it’s known to be directly affected by a lot of other areas. With this in mind, you should understand that in order to meet the constantly changing requirements of society, the legislative authority is oftentimes making significant alterations to the legal provisions. Keeping track with all the changes is particularly challenging and that’s why the counsel of a professional personal injury lawyer is particularly advisable.

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Are Public Transit Accidents The Main Cause of Orthopedic Injuries?

Public transit accidents are also quite common and they are one of the most regular causes for orthopedic injuries. These are the accidents which are going to involve the vehicles of the line of public transportation of the province of Ontario. They are usually going to have resulted from improper driving behavior of the driver of the public vehicle but they can also be caused by the incompetence of other drivers involved in the traffic. However, they are going to become of interest to the law when there is a citizen involved and he has had to sustain any injuries. He is liable to pressing civil charges and seeking monetary compensation for the damages that he has had to incur but the question is who is going to be liable for them. This is an incredibly important topic to discuss as there are a lot of potential damages that might be claimed in the event of a public transit accident.

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